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Great Feedback

We so enjoy hearing from both our campers and staff.

Laura Tucker – Teacher – Environment classes

I have worked with youth my entire 40+ years in education. In all my experience in a variety of educational modalities, Tech Trek stands out as a life-changing opportunity for these students.

I saw so many changes in the girls during the week they were at camp. They arrived on Sunday, not knowing anyone, or very few others, and looked understandably nervous and shy. They were immediately folded into the arms of the program, with Dorm Mothers and Junior Counselors helping them get settled in their dorm rooms and groups. Friendships were forming immediately.

As one of the core teachers during the week, I was able to watch the progress in each camper as they brought their best STEM brains into the program and gained additional knowledge, skills, and confidence. There was joy in the classroom as they learned more each day in all their classes and workshops. Quiet campers turned into confident campers with new friends and partners in the STEM fields. They felt safe to share their ideas, both bold and hesitant. They took intellectual risks and thrived!

Tech Trek combines the talents and skills of teachers, former campers, and STEM role models to create an exciting, nurturing, and empowering week for these middle school campers to shine! Financial support of this program ensures that the life-changing opportunities for these students will continue well beyond their week at Tech Trek.

Thank you notes 2022

Comment from Karen Manelis, Tech Trek Washington Director, August 4, 2022
“As I read through all of the [campers’ notes] I realized the impact that Tech Trek had on these young women. I was amazed at the comments about the core classes and the different challenges that campers faced throughout the week. The experience was great and a good exposure to working as a team. They liked living in the dorm and the feeling of being a “real college student”.