Field Trips

Tech Trek Field Trips Examples

Campers gather after breakfast for Field Trip Day. Buses take groups, along with chaperones, to/from one of the activities described below.

Shorelines and Estuaries
Museum of Flight, Seattle

We visit the town of Gig Harbor and home to Harbor WildWatch. The HWW team offers us several opportunities across our few hours visit to do cool things such as: seine for fish in knee deep water, test water samples for quality, use microscopes, identify many sorts of snails, starfish, eggs, invasive and non-native plants, sea cucumbers and the list is endless of what the harbor and beach walk will offer each day. We frequently get a game of Sharks and Minnows, tide pool exploration, beach discoveries and always a generous helping of how to be good stewards of our Puget Sound and the Salish Sea. Everybody needs a head clearing walk on the beach.

NW Trek Wildlife Park, Eatonville

Hidden in the forest near Tacoma is an animal wildlife park providing several walking tours for self-pacing and self- viewing. Here is your photography practice moment. These tours include the Big Mammals such as gray wolves, foxes, lynx, and bobcats and of course black and Grizzley bears. The Forest Animals and the Birds walk allows you to view too many creatures to list here. Campers will travel is small groups with a chaperone to view as much as they like in our few hours while learning about the Species Survival Plans and viewing these creatures in realist and permanent homes/habitats. NW Trek opened in 1975 and is a part of the American Zoological Association and a partner to Pt Defiance Zoo in Tacoma.